Roman Pictures

08/07/2017 17:15

Being in a gloomy mood I looked through a file with some photographs I took one evening in Rome, some months ago. I had forgotten about them, though the solitary feeling they provided harmonizes well with the grey and rainy dusk lingering outside my window here in Hässleholm. 

I began taking the photos while I walked down to our magazine where I often sit and write, there I ended up looking at some pictures in the art books I have laying around, before I decided for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood, watching the grafitti. A perishable art form that gradually disappears, as I hope my melancholy mood eventually will do as well. When I came home I gave our fish some food and went to bed.

Some friends of mine use to complain that my blog entries are too wordy, so here I give you one with almost no words at all:  


A few weeks ago, some computer problems forced us to visit the Apple Store at Euroma2, a shopping mall just outside of Rome. A terrible place. It was a hot, sunny day in the middle of the Italian holiday season and I assumed most Italian families had gone to the beaches, the...
För någon vecka sedan ledde datorproblem till att vi var tvungna att besöka Applestore på Euroma2, ett köpcenter alldeles utanför Rom. Ett förskräckligt ställe. Mitt under Italiens semestermånad, då jag trodde att varje familj försökte ta sig till stranden, bergen, eller...
Our first Roman apartment was haunted. Rose did not like to be alone in the living room. It had a fireplace and the lower half of the walls was paneled with oak, while the upper part was covered with beige, raw silk. It was quite dark in there, but that it was a quite beautiful room. I found it...
Vår första lägenhet i Rom var hemsökt. Rose tyckte inte om att vistas ensam i salongen. Salen hade en öppen spis och nedre hälften av väggarna var ekboaserade, medan den övre var klädd med beigt råsiden. Det var ett ganska mörkt, men trots allt var det ett vackert rum. Själv tyckte att det var...
The sea moves steadily towards the beach. Wave follows wave. I cannot see if they are turning back again. After a rainy day the sand is cool and in the evening light it has the color of a shrew-mole. Stagnant water gleam like silver by the shore. The cloud cover has cracked and the sky is now deep...
Havet rör sig oavbrutet mot stranden. Våg följer på våg. Jag kan inte se hur de vänder tillbaka. Efter en dag av regn ligger sanden mjuk och mullvadsgrå i aftonljuset. Stillastående vatten glimmar som silver i strandkanten. Molntäcket har spruckit upp, himlen är djupblå, sånär som vid horisonten,...
A few days ago I saw an uneven, funny, sentimental and warm film, filled with clichés about musical, gypsies involved in petty crime, crazy, immensely rich gangster oligarchs, hibernating Communist romantics, Jews interested in making money and vodka guzzling, careless, unkempt Russians, all...
För ett par dagar sedan såg jag en ojämn, rolig, sentimental och varm film, fylld med klichéer om musikaliska, småkriminella zigenare, galna, stenrika gangsteroligarker, övervintrande kommunistromantiker, profitintresserade judar och vodkapimplande, oborstade ryssar, men alla lika varmhjärtade och...
A few weeks ago I wandered along Istanbul's old city's steep streets. I found myself in Fatih, a district that once, when it was home to many of the city's Greeks, Armenians and Jews, was called Fener. Interspersed between modern housing are still dilapidated wooden houses, churches and...
 För några veckor sedan vandrade jag längs Istanbuls gamla stads branta gator. Jag befann mig i Fatih, ett distrikt som gång, då det var hem för många av stadens greker, armenier och judar, kallades för Fener. Insprängda mellan moderna bostadskomplex finns fortfarande...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt