Roman Pictures

08/07/2017 17:15

Being in a gloomy mood I looked through a file with some photographs I took one evening in Rome, some months ago. I had forgotten about them, though the solitary feeling they provided harmonizes well with the grey and rainy dusk lingering outside my window here in Hässleholm. 

I began taking the photos while I walked down to our magazine where I often sit and write, there I ended up looking at some pictures in the art books I have laying around, before I decided for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood, watching the grafitti. A perishable art form that gradually disappears, as I hope my melancholy mood eventually will do as well. When I came home I gave our fish some food and went to bed.

Some friends of mine use to complain that my blog entries are too wordy, so here I give you one with almost no words at all:  


A moisture-laden dawn; wetness cloaks the landscape while I early in the morning take a walk with my mother's dog. A host of wood anemones glow in the gloom. It seems as if the Milky Way had moved down under the tree canopies. Tender, bright green leaves adorn the birch twigs and soon the beech...
En fuktbemängd gryning; väta omsluter landskapet medan jag tidigt på morgonen vallar min mors hund i skogsdungen bakom hennes hus. En häpnadsväckande mängd vitsippor lyser i det grå. Det tycks som om Vintergatan förflyttats ner under trädkronorna. Det doftar friskt, späda blad lyser klargrönt från...
During Easter holidays I, Rose and Esmeralda spent a few days in a picturesque stone house situated on a wooded hillside within a village of a dozen houses. The place was called Mezzanelli and was set amongst the Umbrian hills south of Perugia. Good friends had lent us their centuries-old house,...
Under påskhelgen bodde jag, Rose och Esmeralda i ett pittoreskt stenhus på en skogsbevuxen bergssluttning i en by med ett tiotal hus, den hette Mezzanelli och ligger bland de umbriska bergen söder om Perugia. Goda vänner hade lånat oss det flera hundra år gamla huset, som var gediget byggt, gav ett...
I assume I already have mentioned that one of the main motivations behind my blog writing is that I consider my blog as some kind of pantry to store what Germans use to call Lesefrüchte, fruits from reading, as well as memories. After having returned to Hässleholm from an extraordinary...
Jag tror att jag redan nämnt att en motivation bakom mitt bloggskrivande är att jag betraktar bloggen som ett skafferi för förvaring av såväl läsefrukter som minnen. Nyss hemkommen från en härlig påskvecka med familjen i Rom tänker jag att det vore skada om flera av mina mer eller mindre...
Since ancient times, lies the cottage of mighty witch Baba Yaga close to the heart of Russia's vast forests. For sure it is no gingerbread house, built to attract hungry children lost in the woods, although its owner more often than not has a ravenous hunger for human flesh, in particular succulent...
Väl dold i djupet av Rysslands milsvida skogar ligger sedan urminnes tider häxan Baba Yagas boning. Det är sannerligen inget pepparkakshus, byggt för att locka till sig aningslösa skogsvandrare, även om dess ägare allt som oftast har en glupande hunger efter människokött, helst mört sådant från...
One night, my ninety three-year old mother fell down in the kitchen. Somewhat dizzy she had grabbed hold of the pantry door, which came loose and fell over her, she plunged into the stove. After I had hastened down from the upsatirs bedroom I found her lying on the floor, with the large door ontop...
En natt föll min nittiotreåriga mor omkull i köket. Hon hade blivit yr och gripit tag i skafferidörren, som lossnade och föll över henne. Hon störtade in i spisen och när jag kom nerrusande från andra våningen fann jag henne liggande på golvet, med den stora dörren över sig. Som vanligt beklagade...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt