Roman Pictures

08/07/2017 17:15

Being in a gloomy mood I looked through a file with some photographs I took one evening in Rome, some months ago. I had forgotten about them, though the solitary feeling they provided harmonizes well with the grey and rainy dusk lingering outside my window here in Hässleholm. 

I began taking the photos while I walked down to our magazine where I often sit and write, there I ended up looking at some pictures in the art books I have laying around, before I decided for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood, watching the grafitti. A perishable art form that gradually disappears, as I hope my melancholy mood eventually will do as well. When I came home I gave our fish some food and went to bed.

Some friends of mine use to complain that my blog entries are too wordy, so here I give you one with almost no words at all:  


On beaches in Sweden and Italy, I have occasionally seen bathers tattooed with the Latin words Carpe Diem. In most souvenir shops here in Italy you may purchase the phrase as a refrigerator magnet, or engraved on small marble slabs. When our beautiful friend Ann-Kristin lay dying of cancer,...
På stränder i Sverige och Italien har jag sett flera badgäster som tatuerat de latinska orden Carpe Diem på armar, ben eller bringor. I de flesta souvenirbutiker här i Italien finns frasen att köpa som kylskåpsmagnet eller inristad på små marmorplattor. Då vår vackra väninna Ann-Kristin...
Lindevägen 26, Enskede. I have always found it hard to remember numbers, but after more than forty-five years I am still able to recall the address of my grandparents' home, which they named Tallebo, Home of the Pine Trees. Now the place must be completely different from the memory palace I...
Lindevägen 26 i Enskede. Jag har svårt för att minnas siffror, men kommer efter mer än fyrtiofem år ihåg mina morföräldrars adress, där deras hem Tallebo låg och antagligen fortfarande ligger kvar. Men det måste nu vara fullkomligt olikt det minnespalats jag har bevarat inom mig. Ut mot gatan fanns...
Books are quietly resting in my bookshelves, year after year. When I look at them I wonder where and why I bought them, one day I will read them. When I few a weeks ago, travelled to Prague I brought with me One, a novel by David Karp, without any other thought than "now it may be the right...
I mina bokhyllor står böcker stillatigande år ut och år in. När jag ser dem undrar jag när jag köpte dem, alltmedan jag tänker att en dag skall jag läsa dem. När jag för några veckor sedan reste till Prag tog jag, utan någon annan tanke än att ”nu kan det vara dags”, fram David Karps...
With good reason it happens quite often that my generally chic and fashion conscious wife complains about the way I dress, as well as my general appearance. Just before we are going out together she tends to give me an apologetic glance and point out that I am dressed like a hobo and that my hair...
Med goda skäl händer det allt som oftast att min eleganta och modemedvetna hustru klagar på mitt sätt att klä mig och på mitt utseende. Precis innan vi skall gå ut tillsammans ger hon mig ofta en beklagande blick och påpekar att jag är klädd som en luffare, att håret står åt alla håll ”som hos den...
Sometime during the third century AD the North African Terentianus Maurus wrote four books about “letters, syllables and metrics”. Most of the content of these books are probably forgotten by now, aside from the quote habent sua fata libelli, "books have their destiny". Actually Maurus...
Någon gång på tvåhundratalet skrev Terentianus Maurus fyra böcker Om bokstäver, stavelser och versmått. Det mesta från de där böckerna är väl numera bortglömt, bortsett från citatet habent sua fata libelli, ”böcker har sina öden”. Egentligen skrev Maurus inte det, utan pro captu...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt