Roman Pictures

08/07/2017 17:15

Being in a gloomy mood I looked through a file with some photographs I took one evening in Rome, some months ago. I had forgotten about them, though the solitary feeling they provided harmonizes well with the grey and rainy dusk lingering outside my window here in Hässleholm. 

I began taking the photos while I walked down to our magazine where I often sit and write, there I ended up looking at some pictures in the art books I have laying around, before I decided for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood, watching the grafitti. A perishable art form that gradually disappears, as I hope my melancholy mood eventually will do as well. When I came home I gave our fish some food and went to bed.

Some friends of mine use to complain that my blog entries are too wordy, so here I give you one with almost no words at all:  


I am no more. Once I was. Away on yearning flames, I flew. The light ash spun through the air And sank - so bright and slow To your feet. Do not tread too hard ‒ my heart is still alive.   I do not understand a word of Persian and can accordingly not determine whether a...
  Jag är ej mera. En gång var jag. Bort i min längtans flammor flög jag. Den lätta askan yrde genom luften Och sjönk – så ljust och sakta Till dina fötter. Gå ej hårt – mitt hjärta lever ännu.   Jag förstår inte persiska och kan därför inte avgöra om Erik Blombergs...
In these days when Europeans are preparing themselves to elect their parliamentarians and populists all over the continent organize themselves within parties proclaiming that they are “safeguarding European cultural values”, not the least the teachings and morals of the Christian Church, I assume...
För lite mer än en månad sedan firades minnet av Josef från Nasaret. Enligt Bibeln var han en timmerman som gifte sig med en ung, gravid kvinna. Fadern till hennes väntade barn kunde av hennes omgivning betraktas som okänd. Hon kunde därför misstänkas vara en äktenskapsförbryterska och löpte risken...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt