I took the bicycle down to the Metro. However, when I thought about returning home there was a strike and I had to walk back.

For several years they have been constructing a Metro station by Colosseum. Work began in 2013 and might finish in 2024, though this is doubtful. Metro line C cuts straight through the very heart of Rome. The ground is unstable and insecure, filled with remains of ancient structures. They work day and night. Below me tunnels were dug through ancient Roman military barracks - more than thirty rooms decorated with wall frescoes and mosaic floors. 

The town was quiet and almost empty.

Giorgio Castriota, called Skanderbeg, born 1405 in Kruja, Alabania, died in Lezha 1468. 

The pyramid of Rome, built 18 -12 BC as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, priest and head of one of ancient Rome´s four religious congregations, Septemviri EpulonumThat is all we know about him.

Stazione Ostiense, underpasses.


Someone lives here the entire year. He puts flowerpots in front of his trailer. I wonder who he is. Someday I will ask him.

The marketplace in Garbatella.

House entrances are lit all night.

Ponte Settimia Spizzichino

My bicycle was still standing by the Metro station.

Almost home.


Tre nakna damer, de är identiskt lika och ligger i olika ställningar på vad som tycks vara två gråa och rostbruna heltäckningsmattor. Det kyligt skarpa framställningssättet berövar dem all personlighet. Bakom dem syns ett grönt draperi. Miljön är även den sterilt opersonlig. Ett hotell? En scen?...
Strong feelings fascinate me. Anger is such a state of mind – my own and that of others, but in reality it scares me more than it fascinates. Like so much else I do not understand, I try to find some valid explanations for anger. What triggers it? I assume the root cause must be a frustration...
Starka känslor fascinerar mig. Ilska är ett sådant sinnestillstånd – min och andras, fast egentligen skrämmer den mer än fascinerar. Som så mycket annat jag inte förstår söker jag förklaringar till ilskan. Vad orsakar den? Grundorsaken borde väl vara allmän frustration, en oförmåga att...
A pleasure of mine is to listen to CDs while I am alone in the car. Alone? Well, it means that I am able to listen with a concentration that cannot be achieved when the rest of the family is around, particularly since they are not so particularily fond of some of the sounds I occasionally like to...
Ett av mina glädjeämnen är att i bilen ensam lyssna till mina CDskivor. Ensam? Jo, då kan jag nämligen spela sådant som kräver koncentration och som i allmänhet inte uppskattas så livligt av den övriga familjen, men som emellanåt fascinerar mig  ̶  exempelvis Schönberg, Webern, Penderecki...
My wife and my daughters tell me that I do not get enough sleep. They know and have read that we humans should sleep for at least eight hours, if we do not do it we are threatened by Alzheimer's disease and senility. I assume they are right, usually I do not sleep for more than six hours. However,...
Hans Adolph Brorson, präst i den sönderjyllandska staden Tønder, skrev 1734 psalmen Jeg går i fare, hvor jeg går, vars tredje vers beskriver dödens visshet: Jeg går til døden, hvor jeg går og ved mig ikke sikker, ej nogen dag og time, når han har mig alt i strikker; et lidet åndefang kan ende...
My wife and my daughters tell me that I do not get enough sleep. They know and have read that we humans should sleep for at least eight hours, if we do not do it we are threatened by Alzheimer's disease and senility. I assume they are right, usually I do not sleep for more than six hours. However,...
Min hustru och mina döttrar säger mig att jag sover för lite. De vet och har läst att vi människor under varje dygn bör sova åtta timmar, gör vi inte det hotar Alzheimer och senilitet. Möjligen har de rätt, oftast sover jag inte mer än sex timmar. Drömmer gör jag dock varje natt och jag ser fram...
Especially Americans seem to have a romantic view of Paris as the capital of love, art and good food, at least if you believe the image of the French capital created and supported by Hollywood  ̶  La Ville Lumière, Le Gai Paris. My first experiences of that town were not...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt janelundius@gmail.com