I took the bicycle down to the Metro. However, when I thought about returning home there was a strike and I had to walk back.

For several years they have been constructing a Metro station by Colosseum. Work began in 2013 and might finish in 2024, though this is doubtful. Metro line C cuts straight through the very heart of Rome. The ground is unstable and insecure, filled with remains of ancient structures. They work day and night. Below me tunnels were dug through ancient Roman military barracks - more than thirty rooms decorated with wall frescoes and mosaic floors. 

The town was quiet and almost empty.

Giorgio Castriota, called Skanderbeg, born 1405 in Kruja, Alabania, died in Lezha 1468. 

The pyramid of Rome, built 18 -12 BC as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, priest and head of one of ancient Rome´s four religious congregations, Septemviri EpulonumThat is all we know about him.

Stazione Ostiense, underpasses.


Someone lives here the entire year. He puts flowerpots in front of his trailer. I wonder who he is. Someday I will ask him.

The marketplace in Garbatella.

House entrances are lit all night.

Ponte Settimia Spizzichino

My bicycle was still standing by the Metro station.

Almost home.


  It is one of those rare Swedish summers when it seldom rains. The sunshine, the heat and the liberty demand swims in the lake and relaxation in the hammock. Furthermore, this year I have the pleasure of having parts of my family around me. However, as so often in Sweden, "to have a...
  Det är en av dessa sällsynta svenska somrar då det sällan regnar. Solen strålar, värme och frihet yrkar på bad och avkoppling. I år har jag också haft glädjen av att ha delar av min familj omkring mig. Emellertid, som så ofta i Sverige, innebär ”att ha det skönt på landet” hårt...
  It is a hot summer in Hässleholm. We are at my mother´s place and life is somewhat strange, as always. Our summer house is rented out to a Dutch couple and their kids, we can thus not enjoy a swim in the lake or walks through the forest, instead we are cleaning up the second floor of...
  Det är en varm sommar i Hässleholm. Vi är hos min mor och livet är märkligt, som alltid. Vi har hyrt ut vårt hus till holländska sommargäster och tillbringar därför inte tiden på bryggan i sjön eller med cykelturer genom skogen, utan städar istället hos min mor. Genom åren har...
Somewhat over a month ago, I was sitting with my friend Örjan in the garden outside the house  in Bjärnum. We had just eaten an extensive dinner and enjoyed the presence of the nature all around us. In the mild twilight breeze after a day with clear blue skies we were talking amongst lush...
  För lite mer än en månad sedan satt jag tillsammans med min gode vän Örjan i trädgården utanför huset  i Bjärnum. Vi hade avslutat en omfattande middag och njöt i fulla drag av naturen omkring oss. Mätta och belåtna samtalade vi bland prunkande rhododendronbuskar, i ett milt...
  I'm on my way, sitting on the train to Copenhagen´s International Airport, from where I will fly to my family in Rome. Looking out of the window thinking that an external trip is also an internal one. I am mentally preparing myself for the arrival. My thoughts have already reached...
  Jag är åter på resa och sitter på tåget mot Kastrup, därifrån skall jag ta flyget till min familj i Rom. En yttre resa är samtidigt en inre färd. Mentalt förbereder jag mig inför ankomsten. Mina tankar har redan nått målet och kretsar kring de kommande veckorna. Mer eller mindre...
  Several Roman harbor an exaggerated fear of drafts, few of them dare to sleep with an open window open and as soon as the air is saturated with moisture and cold  they cover  themselves up with layers of clothing and scarves and only reluctantly leave their overly heated...
  Flera romare hyser en överdriven fruktan för drag, få av dem riskerar att somna med öppet fönster och så fort luften mättas med fukt och kyla byltar de på sig ordentligt och lämnar motvilligt sina överdrivet uppvärmda hem, bilar och kontor. I Rom lever fortfarande fruktan...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt janelundius@gmail.com